kitty litter box
Hi, This has been touched on before, but we are asking..... please for cat owners to tell us where they keep the litter box in their RV ? Also a good natural kitty litter without chemicals ? Had two cats...brothers for over 15 years, and they passed away within a year of one another almost 2 years ago....
Travelin Duo
Litter box in basement
Ok, I've seen a few posts alluding to cutting a hole somewhere (in the steps to the bedroom, in the closet, etc) so that the cat can climb down into the basement area below, where the litter box would be. I'm trying hard to envision this and having some trouble. How does the cat get down there and back up?...
Does anyone know non-RV cat lovers?
I'm getting down to the wire now. I really would love to be able to find a new, loving home for my 3 cats (14, 7, 7) Happy to send pics and bios. They are used to having a lot of space (as least compared to a 35' RV) to run around in -- to play with their toys, and to chase & wrestle with each other, not to ment...
A Strange and Difficult Question...
In the process of purging in preparation for the FT life, I have encountered a most perplexing dilemma. I am a serious pet person in general--dog person in particular--and while I have only one dog now, I have four others ... in urns, along with one beloved ****atiel. So, do I make room in the rig for my d...
Where do pets stay?
Most likely I will be traveling with my 3 cats, as I haven't been able to find them new homes. I'm not sure yet whether we'll be buying a 5'er/truck or a MH (depends on budget and what's available when we're ready). I'm pretty certain that with a MH, they can roam free while traveling, or be put in their car...
Cat anxiety or car sickeness, any advice??
We have traveled with Tazzy for 4.5 years, anywhere from 2 days to 1 month and now 7 months full timing. She's been a great travel kitty until our last relocation where she got a bit anxious and drooled and slobbered a bit. Luckily that was a short move. Now we're on a 3 day rapid, repositioning move due to...
Top Entry kitty litter boxes
I thought I would post this link after visits with a few other FT RV'ers and my aunt and uncle (snowbirds from Idaho) who all thought this was an extremely clever idea. To us it was nothing new, we've had it for a few years, but for a litter box on the road, it works GREAT!! We also had this in our S&B for a...
Cats and reflections?
Our Tazzy Kat has always loved to "attack" her reflection in a window, slider glass door, mirror, etc. It was hilarious in the S&B, but relatively infrequent. It seems since moving into the RV that seeing "another cat" in our mirrored closet doors, fireplace or windows w...
Wildlife Questions
We've been full time for a week now and are enjoying the campground life along with the squirrels and birds. Which made we wonder...do we need to protect our camper from these critters? I was thinking the slide awning covers would be nice hiding places. What else should we beware of and prepare for? mic...
Advice on Handling an Aggressive Dog?
My cute little Toto the Xoloitzcuintli is shaping up to be an aggressive dog; he will try to go after, and he will try to bite. It looks like I may have to start walking him with a muzzle to avoid problems. He is particularly bad here, where we have been parked, because I think he has decided it's his "...
Getting old dogs up into the RV.
We need a way to get our old arthritic, and chubby dog into our RV. He weighs nearly 30 pounds and neither of us can lift him. The whole family has arthritis! We are hoping to start moving into our first RV in a week or so, and NOW it occurs to us that Shawn has to have steps to get onto the bed...he'll never m...
Dog License
Maybe this is just in Utah, I don't know. But so far we have traveled with in our state. We do hope to be on our way to Arizona or California before the Winter hits. But here is my question. So far we have been moving between counties. Every where we move we have to license our dog. I'm sure we would be fine if w...
Full Time and Horses
I was just wondering if anyone who is full time travels with horses. We plan on performing and selling our merchandise at renaiseance festivals and the like. I have thought about getting a couple horses to do things like pony rides and such. I was just wondering if anyone knows what regulations and may...
help me find a good corral system for my dog?
we are beginning snowbird travelers and one issue i find a pain for me and miss sabrina is respecting leash laws and keeping her safely contained in my site while not tying her. tying her is lousy for all, she hates it and gets tangled in the chairs and such, so a corral we can leave up for a few months or col...
My Brand New Best Friend! Sans Fur!
Well, I had a hunch to look on Craigs List, and look what I found! My favorite dog breed, the Xoloitzcuintli! (Mexican Hairless in English) His name is Cholo, and he is 9 months old, stands about 14" at the shoulder, and weighs in at around 20+ lbs. I have had him for about 2 hours. He has a very good tem...
A Prayer for Bucky
Please offer a prayer for Buckwheat our oldest ,4 legged son, who is having his left eye removed Sat morning in Des Moines, Bucky was diagnosed with Horners Syndrome in Canada last summer but in reality when we got home a Feline specialist in Florida told us he had glaucoma . It was already too late to sav...
Cat Harness
We haven't started the RV life but will within this year. We have two cats that will be joining up, and they are currently indoor cats but at least one of them would like to be outside occasionally. Any recommendations on cat harnesses that you found work well, not only in preventing the cat from getti...
Future Fulltimers
Responsible pet ownership
So we have four big dogs, and I never leave home without a supply of poop bags. I want to be known as a good and responsible pet owner. Met some people walking their two dogs past our site last night. I watched both of their dogs poop in the mulch and then he proceeded to cover it up with his foot, burying it...
Dogs vs. Dogs
We have Jack Russell. We always have her walking on with her lead or attatched to the picnic table with her lead. We are always out there with her. However we are also busy on the grill and or playing with our daughter. I know most parks have policy that dogs must be secured by a lead. I do believe the park we a...
Escaping Cat
Hi All, We are parked, for the winter, in our 5th Wheel down in Arizona. We flew back to Canada for Christmas and one of our nice neighbours offered to take care of our cats...that way the cats could stay in our 5th Wheel instead of having to go to a kennel. Anyway...long story short...one of them escape...
Dogs in RVs
While we are still in the wanabee stage, we are trying to get answers to many of our questions. We have two medium size dogs and wonder what you other dog owners do with your pets when you want to jump into your toad and go see some of the area attractions. This may sound dumb, but are you comfortable leaving...
RV Dog Sitting? Opinions!
I was brainstorming some on the road money making ideas, and thought, what if I put a nice, professional looking sign on the truck or trailer that said, "Pet Sitting, I will watch your pet for the day while you go sight seeing" (or something to that effect). So, while I am parked in a campgrou...
What we do with our doggies when RVing
I just posted on my blog our advice and tips for RVing with dogs. We traveled with 2 beagles for nearly a year and continue unfortunately on with just one. Thought it might be useful for folks starting out thier full timing journey with their furry friends. Ray
name tags
Today I realized our dogs name tags have our old house address on them. We are full-timers and have a SD mail service. What do others use for an address, or do you just use phone numbers? Thanks, Ann
Vets while traveling
Any recommendations regarding findig vets once you are full timing? We've had the same vet for a while now and had to find an emergency vet one time and were fortunate to have a friend in the area who gave us a great recommendation. Once you are full time how do you locate a vet when needed? Are there site...
outdoor odors and control of them
OK I have not read about this on any of posts so here it goes. A little advice since we travel with dogs. We chain them to the 5er to let them out. They tend to pee in the same areas as dogs tend to do, so the smell would get noticeable. Looked on line and found that if you take white vinagar to the spots were th...
Labradooly (sp)
Does anyone here have this breed and do they travel well? Our neighbor in TN want to give us one that was dropped off near our home. It seems friendly and well mannered. Has fleas and undernourished. They are taking to the vet tomorrow. Hoping he gets a report on his health. Wayne
A dog's (fulltiming) life
We are going with our Golden, our cat, and our chihuahua (all 3.5 lbs of him!). The cat part is covered with the litter box (though we still don't know were we will put it), but I am trying to picture how the dog's plan will go. I am picturing waking up, walking the dogs, do whatever we are doing that day (eith...
Our Baby
Our plans as some here know included our three cats, now there will be two. Unfortunately I came home today and found BABY on the floor in heart failure, my wife came right home, we went straight to the vet, and the options where put her to sleep, or begin a long process of tests, scans, injections and a bun...
English Pointers and full timing?
I am finding homes for most of my English Pointers so I can go on the road. They are great dogs and this has been emotional. I am trying to get down to two, might want to try to take three with me. Actually, four would be better. Crazy, isn't it! We want to split our time between a nice fishing camp and spe...