Question about purchasing a generator.
Ask Howard
I purchase a very old RV. 1976 GMC Vandura 8 cylindar. Very low miles and runs great. I would like to know what size gnerator to purchase for this RV when we have to dry cahank you very much in advance
Generator Positioning
Boondocking, Solar Power, and Related Items
I know generator positioning has been discussed before in this forum, but here is something I didn't find an answer for: I would like to buy 2 Hondas EU2000i, and place them in the space under the gooseneck (for further noise reduction), but someone said it's not possible. Why? Would it make sense to pl...
new generator overloading
RV Maintenance and Technical Tips
We recently purchased a smarter tools 2000w generator from Costco (Yamaha motor). When we plug it into the trailer it will not run on the "smart idle" position and overloads even when we have nothing running in the trailer. When taken off the "smart idle" it revs really high and...
Any recommendations for RV customizations
Buying An RV
Can anyone recommend a RV customization company (that you were happy with)? We need some customization work done on our RV>We'd like to add another bathroom>Increase the water storage capacity >We'd like a bigger generator to power external devices