Hello from Austin, TX
Introduce Yourself!
Hi, everyone! I’m going to classify myself as a Gonnabe full-timer. Just made the decision a month ago, thanks in part to this forum. I can’t begin to explain how many pieces of the puzzle have suddenly fallen in place, but the universe is definitely conspiring to allow me to explore my dreams of freedo...
62 Next May
Introduce Yourself!
I just found this site this week and have read just about the whole already! My is already retired and we plan to start fulltiming the day I turn 62. I look forward to getting to know the community.
Another Newbie/Wanna and Gonna someday LOL
Introduce Yourself!
Our RV is just a minnie winnie, but that counts, right? I am from Texas, my husband is from Washington. We have a house in both places, but spend most of our time in WA. Some day, we want to cross the country in our Griswold-mobile. We are no where near retirement, so it could be a while. To tell you how mu...
First post... another newbie!
Introduce Yourself!
Hi all! I hope I am posting correctly - learning curve going on here.... I look forward to getting to know you.
Permanent parked Rv
RV Maintenance and Technical Tips
I am new to the forum, I have a 1988 Ford Sterling (Made by Glendale RV) 21ft Class C. I was extremely limited by the space allocated to me, and all the 5th wheels & trailers I looked at I didn't like, or were too damn small & cramped. I found this Sterling for $4000 cdn, in very nice shape. The PO had r...
Dinghy Towing Help – 2011 Honda CRV
Hello all! The wife and I are getting set up for full-time RV life starting this month. I would love to tap into the wisdom of you seasoned RV’ers to confirm that our current set up is not missing anything (as you may remember, as a beginner it can be tough to be sure you have all you need to travel safely). ...
The Ultimate Newbies!
Introduce Yourself!
Ok, so me and my husband have decided to become full-timers! We are hoping to become full-timers a year from now, we have to get a lot in order first. So here we go... We have NEVER owned an RV of any sort but have been camping in them when we were kids. I do TONS of research before we get into anything so I'm try...
Newbie to RVing
Introduce Yourself!
My husband and I are new to RVing and are on the hunt for a fifth wheel for snow-birding next winter. We've been doing some research and have looked at many fifth wheels. This process is really overwhelming and we don't know what we don't know. My question is how do we narrow down our choices? We've see...
Introduce Yourself!
We're newlyweds with a good-size (but friendly) pup who were transferred recently to the south San Jose area. Having determined that our living budget only allowed us the worst of apartments, we bought a brand new travel trailer and a TT membership. We're in our first week at the Morgan Hill TT, and d...
Introduce Yourself!
Hi, I'm completely new to the world of RVing. I always went tent camping, or stayed in a youth hostel or hotel room. In the last 16 years, I've been down on my luck health wise. My house may contain mold; I have actually tested positive for a type of mold called, "Penicillium Notatum." I've heard of som...
Hello from Ohio.
Introduce Yourself!
Hello everyone. This is my first post and a long one so I apologize. Introductions - My wife and I are in our late 40's we have camped for most of our adult lives, owned pop-up and Class A RV's and we love to travel. Our kids are are 18+ and looking for ways to move into adulthood themselves. We are now in ful...
Stellar Eclipse - Full Time RVing
Buying An RV
Hi Everyone, Divorce and the need to save money has me taking the leap into full time rving. I am in the process of purchasing a Stellar Eclipse (Toy Hauler) for these purposes. I chose a toy hauler as I am an avid health nut and it allowed me to get a gym quality recumbent bike in the garage area with plent...
Anyone in the Nor Cal Redwoods?
Introduce Yourself!
I will be new to full-time RVing in about a month and am wondering if anyone here lives in the Nor Cal Redwoods. I am completely clueless when it comes to RV 101 and will need a major crash course in RV living!
Which Toy Hauler? Help!!!
Buying An RV
I am looking to purchase a toy hauler to live in full time (my two teen daughters will be with me in it 1/2 time). Right now I am looking at the following: Heartland Torque 398 Forest River Vengeance 377V Stellar Eclipse 40TXSG Every model has really good and really horrible reviews. The guy selling t...
0 to 100 in 6 months!
Introduce Yourself!
The title is not very inspiring for the speed of a vehicle!! But when it comes to learning all about the full-time RV world it seems like blinding fast and overwhelming. We currently live in Colorado (north of Denver) and plan to retire at the end of the year and go full-time traveling. We have ZERO RV e...
RV Maintenance Course
RV Maintenance and Technical Tips
My husband and I own an RV repair shop and he's been a certified RV Technician for 17 years and teaching for 6. We filmed his 15 hour course at rvmaintenancetips.org. We just wanted to help out fellow RV'ers so I hope this is ok. He also gives a lot of insider RV industry secrets. We are also building an epic...