Easier to handle - fiver or travel trailer?
RVing Solo
I'm an almost 60 y/o lady with some arthritis and no upper body strength. I plan on getting a toy hauler for my motorcycle. I've found that the bumper pull trailers are much less expensive (something I have to consider) but wondering about the ease of hookups, leveling, backing up, etc. since I have no p...
The little things you've had to resolve
RVing Solo
What are some of the every day things you've faced and resolved while traveling alone? Trying to learn before I head out there....
Greetings from part-time solo RVer from Ann Arbor, Michigan
Introduce Yourself!
Born and raised in Detroit, my career has been focused on the Great Lakes and their islands. I bought my class B in 2009 after joining Rving Women and am circling the lakes one at a time researching, taking photos and blogging with my dog Henry. I call my rig Ecovision. I've been reading RV-Dreams for yea...
Hello from Texas!
Introduce Yourself!
Hello, everyone! My name is Alana, and although I'm a proud Texan, I dream of RV'ing! I'm a single, young lady a part of a new generation that is settling down later in life, and in the meantime, longing to travel. In 6 months, I will finish school and begin a career that will allow me to work from anywhere i...
Back in the saddle - soon! And solo.
Buying An RV
i just ordered a Casita Spirit 17 Deluxe (of course 😄) so I can join back in the lifestyle  pary-time and I can tow it with my car. I'm excited now as it was very hard to say goodbye to our Trilogy and Truck. I'm pick the Casita up at the end of August in Paris, TX In time for some fall camping! Sherry Now I'm gett...